Records and Forms


At Islamic Cemetery of California in Lodi, we have streamlined our Records. We have updated all the burial records into our Database. Starting from first burial #1, we have entered the informaion on hand. Our early records of the early 90s, we tried to put as much information as possible since most of the records were send via FAX using liquid toner. These records, over the years have faded.

Burial Records

The Burial Records are arranged in 10-year grouping. We are still updating records as we venture through the records.

After the records are entered, an audit process will make sure that each contract number has a headstone assigend. We believe that we should be able to record all the residents of the Lodi Islamic Cemetery is accounted for and records are established. Allah Willing, we will put the picture of the headstone of the grave alongside the record. If for some reason you do not see the record you believe should be there, please contact us on our email.

To view records based on years, follow the link 1991-1999

To view records based on years, follow the link 2000-2010

To view records based on years, follow the link 2011-2019

To view records based on years, follow the link 2020-2023

To view records based on year 2024, follow the link 2024

If you know the Contract Number or the grave number of the person, enter below to get more detail information.

Check Record using Contract Number

If you know the name of the deceased please enter the name below

Check Records Using Deceased Name

We are testing online form submittal. This will enhance our ability to move the process faster and more accurately. When the form is ready for general public, it will be advised here.

We use burial forms to keep a hardcopy of the burial records. The information is then transfered to an electronic database. We urge people to fill the form legibly and correctly. The Privacy of your data is described here